Prospective Cadet,

Your interest in the AFROTC program is commendable!   As your journey to become a military officer begins, take advantage of every opportunity, always seek self-improvement, and perform at your best. The cadre of Detachment 835 stand ready to mentor, support, and help you along the way.  However, you are ultimately responsible for your success and completion of the program.

To help you prepare for your upcoming semester in AFROTC, the Cadet Wing is organizing a New Cadet Orientation Program (NCOP). During orientation, you will be introduced to our program, be briefed on expectations from the Detachment Commander, accomplish the in-processing checklist, and finalize your enrollment in AFROTC.

The next NCOP will take place one week prior to the Fall 2025 academic semester, though the exact date has not been determined yet.  This page will be updated no later than 31 Jul 25 with the confirmed date and time.  In the meantime, see the below instructions to prepare for NCOP:

1. You must first complete your WINGS application and other documents before attending NCOP.

As a future cadet, it is imperative that you keep your WINGS login information, as this will be used constantly throughout your ROTC career.

2. Please use the following Google Drive to access the Welcome Letter and In-Processing Guide, both of which will assist with completing your documents.

3. Once all of the necessary documents have been uploaded to WINGS, you must email your full name and the email used to create your WINGS account to Additionally, you must choose a date for orientation. These spots are first come, first serve.

Event Specifics:

When: TBD
Where: AFROTC Det 835, 712 N Texas Blvd, Denton, TX, 76201
Dress and Appearance Requirements:
  • Attire: Khaki pants, dark bown or black shoes and matching belt, and a dark blue polo styled short sleeve shirt.
  • Grooming:
    • Males: Should have hair cut and not touching their ears or below their collars. Beards are NOT allowed. Conservative mustaches are allowed as long as the edges do not extend beyond an imaginary vertical line on each side of the mouth's edge and below the top edge of the upper lip. Earrings are not allowed.
    • Females: Hair should either be pinned up in a bun or pony tail on the back of the head or if short, not touching below base of the collar. Natural hair color is appropriate with conservative makeup, if worn. Female cadets may wear small (not exceeding 6 mm in diameter) spherical, conservative (moderate, being within reasonable limits; not excessive or extreme) round white diamond, gold, white pearl, or silver earrings as a set.

It is imperative that all cadets bring the required documents:

  • Original Birth Certificate
  • Original Social Security Card
  • Copy of Shot Records showing MMR & Varicella (Chicken Pox) Vaccine
  • AFROTC Sports Physical
  • Selective Service Printout (Males)
  • Copy of DD-214 (Prior Military Service)
  • Unofficial Copy of College Transcript (Previous College Enrollment)

The below documents are not required, but helpful:

  • JROTC and/or Civil Air Patrol Certificates
  • Eagle Scout Certificate
  • Private Pilot License
  • Copy of SAT/ACT Scores

We look forward to seeing you there!