The Reserve Officer Training Corps program is one of three ways to gain a commission
as an officer in the United States Air Force. As a part of the program, you will prepare
yourself to excel as an Air Force Officer while completing your degree as a college
student. This unique opportunity allows you to get a head start on your peers, gaining
valuable leadership experience, preparing for a career as a professional, while still
leaving time to experience all of the avenues that college life presents. The program
is rigorous and selective, but prides itself on maintaining a standard of excellence
that will guide you to commissioning and into your Air Force career.
The program itself is designed as a four year program, but there are opportunities for those wishing to join the program with fewer than four years of college remaining. Entering the program, you join a fully functional Cadet Wing, structured as an active duty Wing would appear. To start, you will be in the training squadrons, the main reason that the Cadet Wing exists, but by progressing through the program, you will move up through the ranks. Your first two years will be spent in the General Military Course, or GMC; these are the freshman and sophomore cadets who have not attended Field Training. The upper class cadets, are the Professional Officer Corps, who are in charge of running the wing and preparing the GMC to lead the wing in the future.
If you are ready to take the next step click on the "How Do I Join?" tab on the left of the screen to begin your AFROTC journey at Det 835!